From: Cliff on
On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 14:42:34 -0700, Winston_Smith <not_real(a)> wrote:

>>>> Or the rethugs wanting the government to pay for all of it .... out
>>>>of yet more debt & spending, right?
>>>You are on drugs? Right?
>> Did you miss all the news?
>> Or perhaps just the red states should pay?
>You are on drugs? Right?

You do miss the news.
From: Cliff on
On Sun, 27 Jun 2010 14:40:04 -0700, Winston_Smith <not_real(a)> wrote:

>Jeff M <NoSpam(a)> wrote:
>>On 6/19/2010 6:22 PM, Winston_Smith wrote:
>>> edspyhill01<edspyhill01(a)> wrote:
>>>> On Jun 17, 6:38 am, Cliff wrote:
>>>> Notice how consistantly the rightwingnuts ignore everything
>>>> inconvenient?
>>> Notice how desperately the Bam Bam Boys try to divert attention from
>>> 0bama's many disasters.
>>> Here's "inconvenient" bunkie -
>>> The total farce is happening in the Gulf of Mexico. Bam Bam ignored
>>> it for six weeks, then he told us he was in micro-control of every
>>> single detail, and it's clear he doesn't have a clue what to do.
>>What EXACTLY do you think Obama should do? Be specific.
>Reality check. WHO is the President? WHO claims to be in charge of
>every detail since day one? Who wanted to "drill, baby, drill" in his
>energy policy speech? In the Gulf !!

You are being evasive. Why?

>Generic leftist bullshit snipped.

Most right-wingers secretly long for a Stalinist, authoritarian father
figure to step in and wield dictatorial powers to "fix everything" for
them, whenever they are scared or confused by any difficult, complex or
vexing national problem. It's part of what makes rightards so dangerous
in a democracy; they don't believe in democratic methods or solutions,
not really.

According to rightard mantra, all BP should need to fix the problem
itself is less government regulation and lower taxes. Any resulting
damages should then be handled by the affected state and local
governments, since nothing in the Constitution authorizes a federal role
in regional disasters. So why are all the rightards whining and crying
about Obama? Is it because he won't be their daddy and wave his magic
wand to instantly make it all better while tucking them in for the night?