From: Hachiroku ハチロク on
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 20:57:17 -0500, Jane Galt wrote:

> =?iso-2022-jp?q?Hachiroku_=1B$B%O%A%m%=2F=1B=28B?= <Trueno(a)e86.GTS> wrote
> :
>> What the heck do you think I want the "hands-free" for?!?! ;p
> You know, a lot of us have been using communications devices in the car
> safely since forever?
> Ham radio operators have ALWAYS used mic's, which used to have coiled
> cords on them. Nowdays they've been replaced by hands-free devices. LOL
> I guess the marxists who are worried about all this, are the "useful
> idiots" who cant walk and chew gum at the same time. LOL

I did find the phone a bit distracting, but then again the numbers are, NUMERICAL order and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure
out how to punch in a number without looking at the keys much.

And you can always put the damn thing in the line of sight!

However, I don't like hanging onto it on the side of my head. This can be
annoying. I like the hands-free much better. It's like talking to a
passenger in the car.

From: Hachiroku ハチロク on
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 16:19:13 -0700, Aratzio wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 18:11:39 -0400, in the land of 24hoursupport.helpdesk,
> Hachiroku ???? <Trueno(a)e86.GTS> got double secret probation for writing:
>>On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 14:50:42 -0700, Aratzio wrote:
>>>>Glad to. Oh, you win. Feel superior now?
>>> Felt superior to you at the outset, toyotatard.
>>Sure. Same old lame insults. Nice try.
> And for the third time:
> "I know you are but what am I?"

Inability to follow along. Why am I not surprised?

> You haven't had even a single original thought in your entire life. If it
> isn't told you by some wingnut on the radio or faux news you wouldn't even
> have opinions.

At least Ihave opinions. Who needs Fox? Or talk radio. Even a jackass like
you should be able to form some kind of an opinion of what's going on.
But I doubt it. Too busy acting all smart on Usenet. Prime example of
needing a life.

How many times did you hit refresh while I was away, Gonzo?

From: Hachiroku ハチロク on
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 21:30:16 -0500, Jane Galt wrote:

> =?iso-2022-jp?q?Hachiroku_=1B$B%O%A%m%=2F=1B=28B?= <Trueno(a)e86.GTS> wrote
> :
> "Global warming" is a myth perpetrated by the progressives to promote
> global socialism and eliminate the United States as a nation. ( Soros and
> his bunch ) It's more a religion to them, than based in any fact. The
> globe has been cooling, polar bear populations on the rise, etc.

Oh, the earth is warming, but it has very little to do with what the alarm
ringing Al Gore types are professing.

It is NOT us, it's a natural cycle as evidenced by ice core samples.
And if the ice core samples are any guide (and they show a very clear
history covering 650,000 years) we're just about at the top of the warming
trend. The cooling trend is much, much more rapid (almost like falling off
a cliff) so when it does get cold, it's going to get VERY cold VERY fast.

Of course, the alarm ringers aren't going to tell you that.

>> Dr Who is pretty cool, though.
> The newer one anyway. The old one had 1930's FX in a 1960's series, it was
> pathetic. The result of government ownership of the media?

I used to work in an aircraft accessories manufacturing plant and we
tested some of the older stuff, so our rigs were rather antiquated. When a
friend of mine used to visit he'd call it the Dr Who set storage area.

I thought some of those effects were funny. Corny, but fun.

> But the newer Dr. Who producers still havent discovered HDTV, so it's
> getting boring to watch low def blurry stuff just to follow the series.

Still haven't stepped up to HD.
From: Jane Galt on
=?iso-2022-jp?q?Hachiroku_=1B$B%O%A%m%=2F=1B=28B?= <Trueno(a)e86.GTS> wrote :

> Oh, the earth is warming, but it has very little to do with what the alarm
> ringing Al Gore types are professing.


From: Hachiroku ハチロク on
On Sun, 21 Mar 2010 22:36:57 -0500, Jane Galt wrote:

> =?iso-2022-jp?q?Hachiroku_=1B$B%O%A%m%=2F=1B=28B?= <Trueno(a)e86.GTS> wrote
> :
>> Oh, the earth is warming, but it has very little to do with what the
>> alarm ringing Al Gore types are professing.
> Nope.
> leading-scientists/

Ah, you did it now! You quoted Fox News as a source!

Everyone KNOWS you need to use MSNBC or CNN. After all, THEY are the only
credible sources, after Air, scratch that...

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