From: Hachiroku ハチロク on
Do you ever wonder how morally upside-down a liberal can be when they can
furrow their brow and decry the waterboarding of the man who plotted the
September 11 mass murder, but find it funny when a conservative gets
maimed? Via Radio Equalizer, we learn that radical MSNBC host Rachel
Maddow thinks it's funny that an anti-Obama protester had his pinky bit
off at a health care event. The screen behind her attempted humor (in a
reference for the older audience members, to NBC's Laugh-In): "Fickle
Finger of Fight."

Despite earlier reports to the contrary today, the piece of the man`s
finger that got bit off could not be reattached. So -- Well, luckily
to the extent that word can ever apply to a person who's just had
their finger bitten off, luckily, the bitee, despite proclaiming his
belief that health care reform is part of a giant scheme for the
government to 'grab what's left of our freedom away from us,' luckily
that guy, the bitee, is covered by Medicare! The great, big,
government-run, single-payer health care system in this country that
removes the threat of bankruptcy pursuant to injury for Americans age
65 and older.