From: Hachiroku ハチロク on
What an embarassment to have to say I live in Mass.

The people we have running to take Kennedy's place are as L00PY as Obama,
bending over backwards in a Senatorial Candidate's debate to show how
Politically Correct they are.

Simply unbelievable. Any one of them would be a fine addition to Obama's
stable of Senators and Congresspeople. For example, in a question about
the "war on terror", all they could talk about was Civil Rights, and the
Civil Rights taken away by the Homeland Security act, etc etc. Never mind
terrorists behead people, we have to make sure they're treated civilly
when captured.

I have to go vomit now...

From: ron on
there seems to be something, maybe environmental, that imbues these small
local POS's with the view that they can become a LARGE POS that can make a
difference when they get down to DC with the dumber POS that are there. The
environmental (or what ever) factor down there tends to reduce them all to
the IQ of Pelosi. they ALL act like they are in the mid two digit IQ range.
Should I mention that its sure nice to be away from the home state of
pelosi, boxer, di-fi, and waxman